Gradual Weaning

The developing microbiome and calf health

The gut microbiome in calves is important for growth and health, and has a key role in nutrition, immune function, and gut barrier integrity.

The hidden values of providing calves with dry feed alongside milk or milk replacer during the pre-weaning period

Getting the balance right between milk and dry feed during the pre-weaning phase is vital to ensure you produce an animal that can grow and develop their rumen at the same time to avoid any post-weaning checks and ill-health later. Feeding large volumes of milk for too long during the pre-weaning phase can be detrimental […]

Once-a-day feeding proves very successful for rearing healthy dairy replacement heifers in County Tyrone

Father and son team Kenny and Kyle McIlwaine run a crossbred dairy herd of Fleckvieh x Holsteins and Montbeliard x Holsteins on the outskirts of Newtownstewart, producing milk at an annual average yield of 9,000 litres/cow from twice- a-day milking system. Calf morbidity and mortality is at an all-time low. [...]

Top tips for preventing summer scour syndrome in calves

Early life nutrition is a key player in protecting the health status of young calves. Although turnout is largely dictated by weather and ground conditions, for calves it mostly happens in late spring. While grass is a cheap source of feed, it must be managed well if calves are to reap the benefits from it and avoid issues such as summer scour syndrome.

Vortex Holsteins won’t be giving up their skim and buttermilk-based milk replacer

Calf mortality rate from birth to weaning has fallen to just 1.5% at a Dorset dairy farm since a new milk replacer made from low heat skim and buttermilk was introduced.

The value of dry feed in calf rearing

Introducing dry starter feed in small amounts to calves in the first week of life is important for multiple reasons, not least aiding rumen development. Dry feed is dense in energy.

Make long term performance a goal when rearing dairy heifers

A good calf that gets the best start in life will mostly produce a good cow. It all starts with birthweight. As the digestive system is the last part of the calf to develop, size may be an indicator of when the gut is ready to begin digesting food. This digestion and the calf immune system also need a vital feed – colostrum – and they also benefit hugely from transition milk for a number of days post-birth.

Why calves need the right fat levels in their diet

There are multiple and important reasons why calves need fat in their diet. Fat is a source of essential fatty acids, which form important membrane structures in the calf, and have a key association with vitamins. Fat is also a store of energy and can be converted to sugar when the calf most needs it. Calf rearing is about keeping the calf healthy and, as importantly, developing into a ruminant so it can be weaned successfully and grow.

The power of buttermilk

As we learn more about nutrition and health, the value of natural flora, the prebiotic components and the enzymes in colostrum and milk are key to calf health and development. Low-heat fresh buttermilk is a key link between colostrum and milk as it contains many of the key health components of both and helps to protect the calf’s gut and improve digestion.

The case for gradual weaning-interview with Dr. Amanda Dunn

Dr Amanda Dunn of Bonanza Calf Nutrition discussing the benefits of transition milk and gradual weaning.