Post-Weaning Nutrition

The importance of trace elements for calves at grass

It is a well-known phenomenon that nutrition will impact the health and immune function of young calves as well as adult cattle. Mineral and vitamin deficiencies, or indeed too much of a good thing can alter various components of the immune system. [...]

Top tips for preventing summer scour syndrome in calves

Early life nutrition is a key player in protecting the health status of young calves. Although turnout is largely dictated by weather and ground conditions, for calves it mostly happens in late spring. While grass is a cheap source of feed, it must be managed well if calves are to reap the benefits from it and avoid issues such as summer scour syndrome.

The value of dry feed in calf rearing

Introducing dry starter feed in small amounts to calves in the first week of life is important for multiple reasons, not least aiding rumen development. Dry feed is dense in energy.

Label Gazing-Why a calf’s assessment of a feed might tell you more than the label

A colleague told me earlier this year that he had been asked several times to explain how feed could be assessed from the details on its declaration label.

Make long term performance a goal when rearing dairy heifers

A good calf that gets the best start in life will mostly produce a good cow. It all starts with birthweight. As the digestive system is the last part of the calf to develop, size may be an indicator of when the gut is ready to begin digesting food. This digestion and the calf immune system also need a vital feed – colostrum – and they also benefit hugely from transition milk for a number of days post-birth.

Grass & calves

This article looks at key points to remember when preparing calves for grass: Focus on rumen development, don’t rush transitions, how stress impacts the calf, value fibre and respect the finer details of the grass diet.

Automatic vs. manual feeding – which is better?

This article examines the pros and cons of automatic versus manual Feeding when it comes to calf rearing.

The case for gradual weaning-interview with Dr. Amanda Dunn

Dr Amanda Dunn of Bonanza Calf Nutrition discussing the benefits of transition milk and gradual weaning.