
Good management of cows in the dry period will reap benefits for their calves

Prioritising dry cow management in this important stage of a dairy cow’s production cycle will ensure the best outcomes for the dam and calf. As her due date approaches, there can be many challenges for the cow, not least a compromised immunity, especially in the final three weeks. By meeting all her needs in this […]

Top tips for minimising risk of cold stress in calves

Young calves can rapidly lose heat and this puts them at high risk of cold stress in their first month. A calf’s thermoneutral zone from birth to four weeks of age is between 10°C and 25°C, illustrated in Chart 1, adapted from Davis and Drackley (1998) When temperatures go below the calf’s lower critical limit, […]

Get storm ready and protect your calves.

The first big storm of the autumn ‘Storm Ashley’ is predicted to hit the UK and Wales this Sunday with winds of up to 80mph and flooding risks. However, there are some things you can do now to help reduce stress on your calves during the stormy weather. Create a nesting area in pens Calves […]

Vortex Holsteins won’t be giving up their skim and buttermilk-based milk replacer

Calf mortality rate from birth to weaning has fallen to just 1.5% at a Dorset dairy farm since a new milk replacer made from low heat skim and buttermilk was introduced.